Boat, Body & Blade On-Water Clinic with Wayne Horodowich of USK
Date: Saturday, July 13
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (one-hour lunch break)
HITW Contact: Todd Bowman, HITW Training Coordinator
Location: Deception Pass State Park, Bowman Bay. A Discover Pass is required for parking.
Cost: $100
Minimum students for class to run: 8 Maximum: 12
If minimum is met or over, no refund for cancelations. If minimum is not met, class will be canceled and fees will be refunded.
Description: Paddling a kayak is more than just taking strokes with your paddle. Kayaking is a true marriage of your boat, body and blade (the 3 B’s). All three must be working together during all aspects of kayaking to get the most out of your equipment.
We will discuss different body positions and movements, varied boat positions and movements, and the numerous different ways to manipulate your paddle to get the results you want.
After we work on the 3 B’s separately, we will learn how to put them together for greatest efficiency while paddling in calm water or rough conditions.
Because this is an active class you may be spending time immersed in the water so protective clothing
is required. Since some capsizing will occur you will have an opportunity to polish your recovery skills.
Wayne Horodowich is the founder of the University of Sea Kayaking, LLC (USK) and has been teaching
sea kayaking since the mid 1980's and is the producer of the "In Depth" Instructional video series on sea kayaking. Wayne has also written a new book for his instructor/guide development program called “Practicing Good Judgment - Adventurer’s Guide to Making Critical Decisions.”