Prior to our presentation by Rob Casey, we will hold elections for the 2025 HITW Board and Volunteer positions. Please consider nominating yourself for an open position. We are a volunteer-run club! Openings are noted in bold type along with job descriptions.
2025 HITW Board Members
President: Susan Benepe, has agreed to stand for one more year
Vice President: OPEN, Justin Oram-outgoing
Secretary: Margaret Sullivan, nominated 1st year - Mark Malowicki-outgoing
Treasurer: John Halsey, has agreed to stand for one more year
Past President: Heiko Miles, has agreed to stand for one more year
2025 Volunteer Positions
Website Coordinator: John Street, has agreed to stand for one more year
Trips Coordinator: Charlotte Bodding, has agreed to stand for one more year
Training Coordinator: OPEN, Todd Woodard-outgoing
Librarian: OPEN, Marion Weston-outgoing
Newsflash & Newsletter Editor: OPEN, Becky Hardey-outgoing
Pool Coordinator: OPEN, Susana Gilbertson-outgoing
Hospitality: Joan Magee & Marianne Banks, have agreed to stand for one more year
Skagit Island Stewardship Coordinator: Justin Oram, 1st year
Job Descriptions
Vice President’s Responsibilities and Duties:
Perform all duties of the President in their absence
Attend Club and Board Meetings
Organize Monthly Meeting Speakers and Presentations (September-May)
Act as President in the event of a vacancy of that office, until that position is filled
through the Club’s regular elections
Perform any other specific duties as directed by the Executive Board or the President
Training Coordinator's Duties
Coordinate Members Helping Members sessions
Research and initiate 3rd Party Training Classes for the club
Promote training classes and work with our sister clubs if needed for signups
Librarian's Duties
Bring collection to the monthly club meetings for checkout (September-May)
Maintain Book and Video Lending Resources including cataloging new acquisitions
Newsflash & Newsletter Editor's Duties
Create monthly newsletters and periodic announcements for our membership
Pool Coordinator's Duties
Work with the Fidalgo Pool to schedule pool sessions
Post pool sessions on the HITW calendar
Identify HITW members who are willing to assist in the pool sessions
Inspect all kayaks before they enter the pool to insure that they are clean and dry